Honey bee, honey bee!
Out in the garden this morning. Prompted by those neat beds yesterday I knew I had much more to do especially up at the back in the borders beneath the wall.
I filled a big bag! It wasn’t too heavy as it was nearly all leaves that had blown into the edges at the end of the autumn!
Chris was busy clearing old Montbretia from the front and drive borders so we ended up with three bags altogether!
A load of washing out blowing nicely in the sun.
I noticed the aeroplanes overhead (we are on the flight path for Leeds /Bradford airport - can you spot one in the extras?) and the happy buzz of bees. I managed to catch a few on these ‘purple patch’ Remembrance crocus flowers but the majority of them were on the winter heather next to them.
The garden is still nothing like the pristine grounds at Harlow Carr but they do have staff! It’s a start.
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