Now we have everything

By Gembop

A different perspective

It's been a while since I sat Charlie on his bum. He's been able to sit up for a few seconds for a while now but has always preferred to be down on his stomach, rolling around. On holiday I plonked him down in a sitting position and he stayed there! His back was poker straight and he was perfectly upright, as if he sits like it all the time!

Unfortunately he got lazy before I could grab the camera and slouched down on his hands. Still I was a very impressed Mummy! He looked like such a little man that I just had to cheat and use this as today's blip.

We're back home safe and sound, and I've already done most of our post-holiday washing. My mum would be so proud! I also had to get Charlie checked out as his ear has been bothering him a lot. I thought it might be teething but turns out he has an ear infection! I can't believe he was so well on the plane.

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