In Concert
My second consecutive concert at the Howard Assembly Rooms, and again I am in the front row. This time it is Norwegian jazz trio, the Espen Eriksen Trio, and UK saxophonist Andy Shepherd. Just fabulous. I am only 6 foot away from the piano stool, this is as close as it gets. Photos from this position would have been fab, but I didn’t dare.
I was a bit trepidatious about today. I love exploring cities and towns, but my foot problems are an issue. As it turned out my slow ambling around Leeds, with coffee and lunch stops, visits to the museum and galleries, and exploration out to the University, down to the canal and river and beyond, and then through the centre, clocked up over 23500 steps. My feet hurt, and my podiatrist might give me a telling off tomorrow when I see her, but it’s been a fab day. There is a lot about Leeds that I really like.
I have taken lots of photos, far too many to be able to give an overview of the day. I have however added one extra for Tiny Tuesday. It is part of an elephant tusk, inscribed with the story of Moses with Hebrew script. It was made in the 1930’s in Iran, and was brought to this country by an Iranian Jewish family who fled Iran following the revolution in 1979. They brought the tusk with them, but it was confiscated on arrival as it was not accompanied by the right paperwork. This it ends up in Leeds Museum collection, in a section talking about the city’s diverse communities of Asian heritage.
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