Again and Again

By Ripitup

A proper EB today. It was 6.30 and dark when I switched off my laptop and remembered the washing hanging outside.  I had been for a walk at lunchtime and the sky was a fabulous blue but nothing caught my eye for a blip.  I thought I had better grab a picture of my colourful basket in case I took nothing else. I didn't do that or any  self reflection/gratitude practice before bed either but I am always grateful for days when I am able to get my laundry dry outside, when I manage to squeeze any and of walk into my workday schedule and persevere with a fast.   Someone I've not known very long suggested to me today that one of my strengths but be the ability to manage and navigate what is, in our industry, a pretty diverse workload.   I've often highlighted during recruitment conversations that working for such a small organisation, by necessity,  affords an opportunity to get experience of a much wider range of work than is typical with larger employers.  During our meeting today, the people present were unable to answer a few of the questions we asked as the areas of work we referencing sat with 3:or 4 other colleagues.
My manager sent 2 unusual emails today.  1 asking me if I would be able to complete or need help with a job due later this week and 1 asking me to remind my reports to complete EDI training by Wednesday.  I knew that all of my reports had, like me, scheduled time for course completion.  Our new Chief Exec is placing a great deal of emphasis on areas of work where missed deadlines  generate non compliance reports for our elected members.  

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