
By Marionb

A Bit of Cheer

A dreary day ..but it was brightened up by a trip to the local nursery and garden centre to pick up some flowers for my friend and neighbour of whom I spoke in yesterday's posting. Today is her birthday! Not the greatest time to celebrate a birthday with so much of her life in chaos... but all the phone calls, cards and friends and family dropping by must have helped cheer her up. She seemed in good spirits... 

Of course, I also picked up something for myself...a pot of daffodil bulbs just waiting to burst forth into little bit of sunshine on my coffee table. 
Methinks this is going to be a bad week politically speaking; it is already off to a bad start with US Aid to Ukraine being cut off.. and tomorrow is Tariff Day. Geez...What next? Will this ever end? 

Would more flowers help? 

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