
By RadioGirl

Tiny Tuesday - ‘Animal’

This tiny little bear, less than an inch tall, was given to Mum by a neighbour when she and Dad were living in the block of flats on the seafront Greensward at Frinton-on-Sea. Margie and her brother Ken were in their late eighties/early nineties and lived in the flat next door. They were dear little people, neither of them quite 5’ tall. Ken had been the captain of a huge ship, which always made me wonder if he could actually see the oceans out of the bridge! I remember him standing at the door with his arms wide ready to give us each a hug. Margie was just as lovable, and had a wry sense of humour. Mum and Dad would put a note through their door inviting them over for tea, and Margie once sent a reply saying “yes, if you can stand us!”, which made me roar with laughter because they were lovely company. Mum always loved teddy bears, and Margie had a collection of various toy and model animals. She called Mum and Dad’s flat ’The Bear House’, and her and Ken’s home was ‘The Zoo’. Margie decided that this little bear of hers ought to go and live with Mum’s teddies, so she brought it along when they came in for tea and cakes one afternoon. Mum in turn gave it to me many years later. It will always remind me of dear Margie and Ken, who were both such delightful people.

Thank you to jensphotos for hosting the Tiny Tuesday challenge, with this week’s theme of ‘Animal’.

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