
By wingpig

perhaps in eight or so years

After a couple of weeks this would occasionally correctly suggest "long run" on Saturday mornings as I have a bit more time on weekend mornings and was either going round the hill or along the WoL rather than just round the back of the sewage treatment plant, though that was the only remotely applicable suggestion and didn't last long. It presumably knows what I generally do, including how fast I walk when not specifically selecting "walk" as an activity, how fast I walk when I have selected "walk" and also how fast I run, which is almost always selected to be tracked as that's mostly what I bought it for (with a secondary use as a bike computer, though I have only once remembered to pause the track when wandering slowly around a GPS-opaque shop) yet it still suggests really weird paces without distances most mornings. I'm tempted to see if I can follow it one day, perhaps by speedwalking at a consistent faster-than-normal-walking but not as fast as running pace.

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