Today's the day

By sheilwill

Little White Town of Never Weary

Today's the day ...................... for a book launch

The Kirkcudbright Book Week is on at present - from 3rd to 9th of March - and there are all sorts of interesting things going on in the town.  This morning, we went to an event in the Art Gallery - the launch of a new edition of Jessie M King's book for children, 'The Little White Town of Never Weary'.  

Copies of her original book, published in 1917 are few and far between now and you would have to pay a lot of money to buy one when you found it.  It's a fairy tale set in a small town, clearly based on Kirkcudbright where Jessie King lived.  It is the only book that she designed and wrote in its entirety.  Her primary idea was to include with the book, cardboard cutouts of buildings in the town which could be constructed and decorated by children.  She worked on it with her daughter Merle, who was eight at the time.

Along with a packed audience, we very much enjoyed the talk by the publisher of this fascinating book, Ian Spring.  And it will be good to read it with Tessa and Josie and see what they think of it ......................... 

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