A quiet day of nothing
After yesterday’s events, what was needed was a quiet day of nothing; besides, rumour has it that the economic shit is going to hit the fan tomorrow. And, I am glad to say, that is mainly what we got. I drove Ottawacker Jr. into school at 9, came back and messed around on the computer until 2pm, then drove Mrs. Ottawacker into town as she was doing a presentation at the Ottawa Art Gallery in the evening and needed to do some printing at the office first.
I’m delighted to say that I am coming down with something. It seems I am not designed for sitting in a waiting room with coughing children. Ottawacker Jr., however, seems fine. He’s still sporting his sling for cosmetic purposes.
In the evening, I cooked Ottawacker Jr. his dinner; this, he managed to eat despite looking wistfully in the direction of his sling.
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