Is a duffle coat still a duffle coat without its toggles?
Answer: Yes, if the wind is behind you! If the wind is coming towards you, and you have a dog and a lead in one hand, and a walking stick in the other - then you might as well not be wearing it!
I have been on two missions today: one to find longer toggles at the biggest haberdashery shop in town, and two, to return to yesterday’s cafe to quietly complain about the rather rude young woman who grudgingly served us.
Archie was my assistant all the way, and what a good boy he was, though he was not allowed in the haberdashery (I claimed hadn’t seen the sign). But a nice customer said she’d hold him outside for me. How kind! Anyway, the owner was no help, she didn’t have any longer toggles, and suggested that I go to John Lewis, get the rope/string stuff and MAKE them longer…
Took the bus back round to the other side of town and walked to yesterday’s cafe. We passed a wee sewing shop. The lovely lady looked at my too short ‘problem’ toggles and merely pulled my coat in a bit, and they fitted! OF COURSE the coat edges overlap. Like, DUH!!!
In the very busy, cafe I was able to quietly speak to the owner, who happened to come in. She was most apologetic and said how difficult it was to get - and hold on to them - good staff. I really felt for her, and that is why I didn’t leave a public bad review. I’ve been an employer too.
Back home, Archie and I snoozed all afternoon, very tired, but quite satisfied with our day’s work.
I took the photo using a long forgotten selfie stick I found in the dark recesses behind the TV media boxes in the cupboard!
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