I won a windsock!

Yes, dear reader, I won a rainbow-coloured windsock this evening in the free raffle at the post-Norwich Pride 'stewards party'. This is a party held after Norwich Pride each year to say thank you to everyone who has helped in many and varied ways to make the event such a fabulous success.

It was held in the Coach and Horses pub on Union Street in Norwich, where each year Sharon and Wendy - the licensees - decorate the pub with rainbow bunting and flags and are tremendously supportive of Pride throughout the year.

Here we see Mike, the Chair of the 2013 collective, and Deanna who each year produces some fantastic film footage. They are having a flick through some of the great images from this year.

It was great to see everyone again and we're all looking forward to Pride 2014.

But in the meantime I have to work out where my windsock is going to be placed.

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