
By littlemissquirk


Early start down to London to 100% Optical for an equipment buying trip for our new practice. Busy non stop day of appointments and testing equipment the prices ranging up to £180,000 for one piece of kit.. that we don’t need. My boss is great and enthusiastic but does like a gadget so I have to act as the straight jacket to prevent him spending the money on bells and whistles and concentrate on the good stuff.

He treated myself and N to dinner at a Michelin starred restaurant in Paternoster Square, literally round the corner from where I used to live at the Barbican.
What a meal! He’dbought and paid for everything including service, ensuring we had the six course with wine pairing testing menu. More like 12 courses, every morsel was exquisite, my favourites being a Bloody Mary meringue, these stuffed tulips ( barley risotto). Jellyfish! ( tasted like sauerkraut) I could go on. Even the bread was incredible.
I did mutter beforehand about Emperors New Clothes but then decided that as I wasn’t paying embrace it.
Phenomenal four hour experience I doubt I’ll see again for many a year.

The bill? £498!!! 8)

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