
By ruthie1

Shaun the sheep

We met Naomi and Eddie at Anglesey Abbey on a glorious sunny morning to follow a trail of various themed Shaun the sheep.
Max and Eddie were off in their own world of boisterous energy and laughter, Anya helped out with little Peter but was a bit lost at times, not wanting to play with the boys but not wanting to babysit Peter either, which is understandable.
It was good to catch up with Naomi though and I wouldn’t have minded where we were as it was such a lovely day.
A quick dash home to get Max back out for a swim party and then, after that, we gave Anya her new bike (which should have been a Christmas present) and both her and Max were off in the car park opposite and onto the field. Anya was thrilled with it, despite not wanting a red bike, haha!

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