
By BanksiaMan


A tropical cyclone (ie hurricane, typhoon) is tonight bearing down on Brisbane and the surrounding region. One journalist wrote that the city tonight is 'on tenterhooks', waiting to see what nature has in store. Those of us who are more than 50 years old have vivid memories of Cyclone Tracy virtually destroying the city of Darwin on Christmas Day in 1974. 

There is an added complication for us - Rana and I are booked to fly out of Brisbane (to Singapore and Bangkok) at 9 am on Thursday morning, ie in 40 hours time. Cyclone Alfred is currently forecast to impact the city around 12 - 18 hours later. Tenterhooks is a good word!

The photo is of tonight's sunset from our balcony. So far, we've had little rain and not much wind. That will surely change.

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