BikerBear's Blips

By BikerBear

Mono ..........

 ............. Monday580  (MM580)  -  with thanks to Gilly (and Lesley) for hosting.    
Today's optional challenge is "Narrative - every picture tells a story"  -  in this case 'every fridge magnet tells a story'   :o)

As many of you know, I have had a love affair with the USA since 2003 when I first visited (Detroit, Michigan) and have been there every year since - except during the pandemic - sometimes more than once a year!  
I estimate there have been upwards of 35 trips over 21 years.
As mentioned, my first state was Michigan in 2003 and, to complete the 50, my last was Alaska in 2012 - all 50 in 9 years - a lot on a motorcycle, a lot in a convertible and some with my late Mum.    

A lot of states visited twice, three times or four - almost always different towns and cities.    I have slid over the border into Canada a few times (visiting all the border provinces west to east).

So ..... to go back to the challenge ........... every fridge magnet has a story to tell!  (and these aren't all of them - we have another fridge with almost as many on the door!!)

~ Anni ~

This is Monday uploaded early (pre 08.00) on Tuesday - another frosty but sunny morning.

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