making the most…
…of a silhouetted peak
in a sunset over
the mountains
as i recover from - what turned out to be - a very bad fall yesterday - photo ops are now limited - yet not impossible - sunsets always on the list - and one of my - very favorite things to capture - each one different - all handpainted by abba - for our pleasure - you can never go wrong - with a compassionate love pat - from our heavenly abba each afternoon
as for me, well - a long afternoon spent at hospital - fortunately revealed no broken - bones however due to - extenuating circumstances of my health - what for someone else - would be fairly minor - is actually pretty major for me - and my leg will now take - some time to heal - walking is very difficult and - i have a significant amount of pain - but overall i am very - grateful it isn’t worse - i know how to manage pain - plus being off my feet - for a bit will make - the boo really pleased as - she enjoys cuddle time - with her mama - it always leads to…
happy day…..
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