
By KathyH58

The tallest building

I am not sure if anyone is living in this building yet or if it is still under construction. It is the tallest building in Halifax and is built on the Northwest Arm. I am sure it is a lovely view from the upper floors, but I don't think I would want to be there during a hurricane, especially if there is a prolonged power outage.

Temperatures were well below normal for early March. The high today was only -5 C. Normal high is +4 C. The sun was shining, so I am not complaining.

 I drove over to Sir Sandford Fleming Park this morning and this photo was taken from there. There were reports of an Atlantic puffin  in that area over the weekend. I had no luck finding it. The trail along the water is still quite icy so I didn't walk far. I drove around to the other side of the North West Arm and pulled into a small park there. All I could find were gulls, common loons, a few mergansers and common goldeneye. I also saw 3 cardinals in one of the shrubs along the trail on that side.

I sent the letter I wrote to Marilyn this morning. She has agreed not to ask me to do things any more. She wanted me to call her but I'm not ready to talk to her. I need some space right now.

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