Window box.
A lovely window box in Culross where we walked this afternoon.
Good step count today despite a rather frightening incident this morning at the Kelpies. As we walked round and crossed the locks we were horrified to find the lock near the Kelpies was not closed or secured! I was first to venture across and not really looking where I was going when I suddenly realised there was a wide gap in front of me and the canal very obviously visible below me. John and Chloe were behind me . It does not bear thinking about what would have happened if Chloe had been off lead and in front of us.
No employee of Scottish Canals was in the vicinity. No phone number visible to phone and report the open lock.
However , eventually one of the Helix staff managed to get some hazard tape and put it up either side of the lock.
Not the best start to the day!
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