Mono Monday: Week 580 ...
... Narrative.
Once upon a time there was a young school girl who had written a narrative whilst in grade school. That girl, me, has kept that narrative for more years than I care to consider.
My narrative (story) is called "The Funny Bunny" ... here is a small excerpt:
There once was a funny bunny. He was so funny he knew how to read and write. He knew how to read funny books. And good books. Tall books. Short books. Skinny books. Fat books.
My narrative isn't very long but I won't subject you to a young school girl's imagination and silliness by putting any more of it down here. I've often thought about adding to my original story and adding better illustrations. But I think I was more creative back then. It's actually a really cute story if you ask me.
When Richard got the narrative "The Funny Bunny" out of the safe for me he also gave me some other schoolwork projects of mine. One such project was an autobiography that I wrote in the 5th grade ... which would have put me at 10 years old. Now ... that narrative is funny as hell to read today ... 50+ years later!
Thanks to GillyH (and Lesley) for hosting Mono Monday this month in tandem.
In other news: Since today is the last full day I have with the rented 28-400 mm lens I used it exclusively today. Shortly before lunch found me out in the greenhouse photographing the birds and squirrels. We've had a huge flock of Common Grackles descend in the back yard in the past few days. There had to be at least 20 to 30 of them. I know these aren't everyone's favorite birds as they do make quick work of the bird seed ... but I happen to love them. I've added a photo in Extras if you'd like to have a look. They have the most beautiful iridescence ... in my humble opinion. And as today is World Wildlife Day I simply had to post some sort of wildlife!
Incidentally ... the "Funny Bunny" you see here was taken while we were out walking at Jacobsburg State Park. Please have a look full screen.
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