Booky Goatherd

By Booky_Goatherd

Monday: Stag Party

Yesterday I mentioned we were expecting a special visitor.  My dear friend, WendsWanders, has come to stay for the night.  We’ve known each other since we shared a flat when we first moved to London in the late 1980s.  We’ve even seen each other in large shoulder pads and perms…….

WW (for short) knows more about gardening and plants than anyone we know so has come down to give us advice on the garden.  We’ve been to the garden centre (complete with stag), plants have been purchased and planted in the garden.  It’s all very satisfying.

K. cooked a chicken pie for dinner and I made a sticky toffee pudding.  I’m on such a sugar high I may may never sleep again.

WW doesn’t know this yet but I have decided to act as her agent.  If you would like a gardening advice visit I will send her to you for a £5 fee, payable to Booky Goatherd.

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