Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

The Park Bench

Another glorious day. I walked up to the swimming pool mid morning for a swim and to meet L for lunch. It really was very pleasant to walk through the parks; it was warm, and as I write this tonight, I can feel a pleasant glow from my cheeks which may well be an indication that the sun is getting stronger.

I was going to share a photograph of a small community event at one of the other green areas near the pool. There, some council workers had set out about 10 small sapling fruit trees and people from the local area were helping to plant them. I did take a photo but I felt it impolite to post it as many of those people were bending over to dig holes and facing away from the camera!

Sadly, I did catch the voice of someone else walking by shouting that they didn't want the trees. I do hope they won't be vandalised as has happened elsewhere when this sort of thing is done.

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