The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

What’s going on ‘ere?

Not a lot. My boss advised me to do what I feel like for the next two days. I had a bath, then went back to bed and slept. Eventually I got up because it was lunchtime, and managed to stay up, though I can’t remember what I was doing. Podcast listening, maybe.

Went out in the garden (it was sunny) and two of my sisters phoned and we had a long chat about the funeral arrangements. Steve did some shopping and then I started making soup, but had to leave the last stage until I got back from my hair appointment in town. I managed to talk to the hairdresser, and to buy prawns in Iceland afterwards, without crying. This is progress….. tomorrow may be different.

Back home, I finished making the soup and had supper. Steve had some of the soup too for a starter. I am cooking all my meals from scratch as I realise that my cold/cough/general yukkiness is in fact a flare up of GERD, and that diet is the answer. I’m eating a lot more protein and no rubbish. It’s going to take a long time to heal.

I am still very tired and at times I move like a zombie.
I am grateful for the free time and the sunshine today.

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