Finished was this tulip in its prime.
Another bright and milder day and I got a lot of things done.
First I got some bread started and while it was rising I potted on seedlings and sowed some seeds.
Odd household jobs and after lunch a trip out to drop things into a charity shop, buy some wood to repair a raised bed and do the weekly shop (too busy tomorrow to be sure to fit it in).
Rather than leave the wood for another day I got out saw, nails and hammer and made a side for the bed - 2 planks vertically held together by 3 stakes made for wood left over from the porch building - it should do the trick.
Time for a sit-down and cuppa and then the evening run with the group. We were in the woos and only had 1 fallen tree to negotiate.
Now fed and watered but still to have a shower before bed.
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