
By Donaldthehat

It looks like croydon

It is. It's a common phrase used by objectors to tall buildings planned in my area.
Somehow, Saturday passed blipless  Sunday went on the trek to South East London to my late brother's place.
Annoyingly no direct trains from Victoria so took a roundabout route charging at Croydon. 
Slightly stressful as, interesting morning I had posted on the local facebook group that I was selling a number of power tools very cheaply (£10 each) and said people could come 4 to 8 pm.
Fortunately I made it and was pleased that,on the dot of 4pm the doorbell rang and I had several buyers. I got rid of most of them in an hour 
The nicest thing was that the buyers were all very local and had projects where they needed one of an item. This felt much nicer than anonymous buyers getting them at clearance lorry boot sales

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