
By LesleyAlsford

The Irishman's shirt!

I've been working in Myddleton gardens for over a year but still don't know the names used for different areas.  If I'm told we're weeding under the Irishman's shirt this is the area I need to head for. Of course like many of the places in the garden there is a story behind this. An Irishman took a button to a local woman and asked her if she'd mind stitching a shirt to his button! I'd love to know if she did or not. Mr Bowles who developed this garden acquired this column from somewhere then asked for a whole section of wall to be built onto the end of it.  This reminded him of the shirt being added to the button story hence the wall is known as the Irishmans shirt.  
  I can see why he wanted this column as he liked all things quirky and when you look up it looks like the concrete ball is about to roll off onto ytour head. The top if the column is however flat and its an optical illusion. There's lots of other retrieved bits scattered  around the garden including several parts from the old London Bridge (the one that was falling down) and medieval cannon balls . 
    This month GillyH and I are co-hosting monomonday and looking forward to all your entries. We will look at them by wednesday evening and GillyH will post this weeks results in her journal on Thursday. 

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