
By biddy

Catching the light. 15h:16……

…… a Garden Centre on the way home.
Stephen had picked me up after I’d had lunch with two Blipper friends so I could go to buy some seed packets and plant pots which you put straight into the soil, not being plastic.
I am going to attempt to grow sunflowers again as I used to do so several years back.
Our younger two grandchildren will be here for lunch on Wednesday and I will give them one each to fill and plant a sunflower seed.
When the two older ones are next here they can do the same,
I will keep them all in the summerhouse with their names on them.
Any more they fill and put a seed in can also be out there.
There are packets of other seeds for the older two to sow around the garden.
I took the photo before we left to drive home,
Another hard frost this morning, but I think it has been marginally milder today in the sunshine.

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