Bit of a rough night. Virtually no spoons left before the day even started. I knew I should rest, but did I heck.
I went to a garden centre for breakfast. I saw a new food shop opened on the way there. It looked very much like a Turkish shop. Went inside, saw all these sweet meats and sweetbreads behind glass. I did not get any.. found some flame grilled yoghurt? Unless something was lost in the translation.. so I bought that. And I bought something which had pistachios in it., so that has a possibility of being sweet.
Then I went to garden centre but I was really tired so I decided to have a breakfast. That was good. I didn't eat any of the carb stuff.
But I saw loads of mint, and I want to plant this round the doors and anywhere that could be an entry point for little four footed long tailed beasties. I have the lines of defences, but that was another one I wanted to use. So I loaded the trolley with mint. It was here that any spoons I had left completely vanished and I was totally unable to push it to the till. I had to ask for help and for loading the car. Came straight home was unable to do any of the other shopping I had planned.....
I am now sitting on the couch, on the warm side of a sunny window, ready to fall asleep with a cuppa tea...
Too tired to create a creative BUT as I passed the flowers I took photos and made some kaleidoscopes...
This kaleidoscope is of yellow primulas...
A long afternoon nap now calls...
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