A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53


Sorry it’s the garden and flowers again but there is so much to see at the moment. Also on a Monday we cross the moor to do some shopping in Guiseley after early singing in Bingley. I find it frustrating as it’s a narrow road so stopping is difficult and there never seems to be a blip opportunity. 
Today we saw a Red Kite almost immediately we reached the edge of Bingley Moor. It was swooping down to pick something up. Not an unusual sight here we see them most weeks but I’ve only managed a capture once when I saw one land in a tree. On the way back we saw a Kestrel, also quite common here but no chance of getting a picture though sometimes we see one hovering,

So back home it was straight into the garden. The Flowering Currant is coming into bloom and these Scilla, planted last year, have been making an appearance for the last few days.  After the lovely display by the war memorial in the village last year we decided to plant some.

This plot has been rescued from an overgrown Laurel and we recently also planted lots of daffodils so Chris had to put stakes in to show where they were when planting the Scilla bulbs. We got two lots, one lot white and the other blue, not sure which these are but there’s no sign of any others yet. I think they’re probably the white ones and there are two clumps of them in bloom. Maybe the blue are still to come as when I looked in the bed behind the war memorial there was no sign of any there yet either. We’ll just have to wait and see but I’m very happy to see these. 

The sun has been a bit spasmodic today but when it’s out it does feel warmer!

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