Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

Just a Test.

       WAY back here, I was in Carlisle; I have NO recollection of why, alone or not - BUT - it was "post Alice". 
       I took the shot from ground level, but at an angle.  As part of the learning curve I attempted to "square it".
       To a degree I was 100% successful - BUT - the result gave a shot looking like I'd shot it from the Head of a ladder, or a first floor (UK version) window.
       This is another attempt + a touch of Comedy(?) Not having lived here all our lives AND me having a chicken memory (It's FOUL) I can't remember who/what was initially here; but I know the Latin, which I guessed correctly, as NOTHING WITHOUT WORK but fairly certainly predates the current occupant.
       The Comedy?  I checked my translation.  As I added word by word it went thus:-
NIL - Japanese 2L
NIL SINE - 2L die, (lower case I read as 2l die) or Norwegian - NIL SINE.
I had to tell it that it was Latin to get the right answer.

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