
By Jaybay

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Early walk was fresh, afternoon walk warm and sunny. Feel like we have done lots today and still had some chill time.
Camper packed and ready to fill up with fuel and water in the morning. We don’t usually fill the water tank before traveling but the site warned us that the tap is across grass and could be boggy.
Hubby continued prep in guest room and required my help, and then I did some vacuuming.
We walked onto a new housing development to have a look at the new eco houses. They are rather lovely but not tempted.
Realised that I hadn’t taken any photos, even though I have done some course work, and had a wander round the house looking for inspiration.
Didn’t find any so two of my bears that sit looking down at my desk.
Off to Flamborough for a few days so hoping to see puffin.

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