Richard P

By ricky_p

Carnethy Weekender

This week I swapped running clubs from HBT to Carnethy. I got bored with HBT as I didn't know anybody there anymore and many orienteers are in Carnethy. Conveniently they were having a weekend away to Crianlarich and there were some spare beds so I tagged along. 

The initial plan for the day was for the guys to get the train to Ardlui whilst the girls head up An Caisteal directly. We found them on their way down after we had ticked off Beinn Chabhair. 5 mins after this photo was taken one of the girls sprained her ankle. They said they could manage without us so we did the 700m out and back to An Caisteal but they were still there when we returned, now accompanied by two experienced hill walkers who, after a lot effort got Maddie down to the coll. Af few helpful souls carried on and got Maddie down the mountain where mountain rescue were waiting at the bottom. Most of us who weren't helpful now splintered off  - after the 55 mins delay / lunch stop - and carried out our run. After the third munro Beinn a' Chroin most of the group headed back down to the hostel. 6 of us carried on to the 4th Beinn Tulaichean and 5th Cruach Ardrain. These were the ones I had wanted to do as I had already been to the first 3. I was getting pretty tired but had just enough snack to keep me going.

Back to the hostel were some kind souls were prepping curry for 60. They did well.

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