It’s been a bitterly cold day today.
At 6.30am my elder daughter headed off full of enthusiasm to take part in her first ever car boot sale. She has recently taken up jewellery making as a hobby and having sold some for charity in her hospital workplace, she decided to try her luck at making some money for herself. Sadly there were only four cars in total and very few customers, but she did best of the four and felt encouraged. She was however frozen to the bone. I had to wrap her up in blankets and give her two hot water bottles to revive her before she went home!
I then headed out to Mugdock to a Forrest School class in Whittling, two hours from 2-4pm in the open air and I was chilled through too, although I had been better prepared and wore many layers.
I had better explain what the resulting items in my blip are : to the left, a knife and to the right a tiny mushroom, the excess hazel has still to be cut off. It was an interesting experience,not overly enjoyable but I am pleased with my two little souvenirs!
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