
By tondrijfhamer

Aduarderzijl and Electra

As planned yesterday, Ron, Peter and myself went drone flying this afternoon. First we went to Electra, a small hamlet in rural Groningen.
Unfortunately the water pump station/mill was covered up in scaffolding. But we flew around it anyway.
Quite a challenge to fly with 3 drones close to one another, all looking for the same viewpoints. But, no crashes or even near crashes occurred.
Our second location was the Reitdiep waterlock of Aduarderzijl.
This is where I captured todays blip.
The curly river in the backdrop is the Reitdiep, famous in rural Groningen.

I kept ourselves and my car in the photo. I choose not to clone us out this time. Can you spot the 3 pilots?

Here we all flew our 2nd battery empty. And although we still had a 3rd one in the bag, we choose to go home. Dinner was calling and, at least in my case, there's some preparation to be done for the upcoming week.

It was great to be out there, with 3 drones and Spring in the air.
Thanks Ron, and thanks Peter for joining in once again!

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