Acts of deliberate notice

By Yaviere

Branching out

I haven't done much proper embroidery in my life but at the moment it's what my brain is wanting to do, so why not lean into it? I got this filament thread in an "inspiration pack" many years ago and it didn't come with any inspiration. Finally found an idea for it and I am so, so pleased with the result.

We've been away this weekend with my parents, at a barn dance which was so much fun and raised money for the air ambulance, then staying over and a craft day with my mum today. The sun has been shining, we had great food, and I came home with a bunch of daffodils that are now brightening our table. No computer all weekend and feeling so chilled out and happy. Weekends like this remind me of how I want to live: simple pleasures at a slow pace - heaven!

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