
By Ingeborg

Thank you !

Many, many thanks for all your kind comments, stars and hearts for yesterday's 12th Blip Day Blip (which I actually forgot until I posted the image !). You are so very kind ! I will try to thank you all individually but that might take quite some time as we are going to drive to Italy this coming week ! Our mother will be 90 years old tomorrow, but unfortunately she became ill two weeks ago and that resulted in her being taken from her care home to a nursing home (much against our wishes, I may add). We have no idea how we can celebrate her birthday now, but we do need to go there to find out ourselves how she is doing and if there is still another place for her in a kinder environment.

Thanks so much for all the Abstract Thursday entries last Thursday ! This coming Thursday is the first Thursday in March and as such and as usual there is no optional theme, just send in any kind of abstract you like, as long as it is taken/made on that Thursday ! The tag will be AT506.

Here's the list of 5 special entries from last Thursday:
Arteegeedee                   organic wall
TeeJay                             fungi
stujphoto                         under the bark
Terrifo                              stone
Nanzy19                          quartz

Once more my thanks to all who have made my Blip Day so nice !

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