Dog Day Afternoon...
This post has nothing to do with the classic 1975 Sidney Lumet movie starring Al Pacino, it's just that in some ways I've had a bit of a dog of a day.
After yesterday's street art binge I had planned to bring you some shots from another more conventional gallery. Sadly, that will have to wait for another day, specifically a Thursday, Friday, or Saturday, as the place is not open on a Sunday!
Having discovered my error after catching two buses, I decided to head in to Kingston, where tea and baklava helped to restore some of my inner peace. It was whilst consuming this snack that I took the main shot of this extremely well behaved Jack Russell.
After stocking up with an unfeasibly large amount of fruit in the market, I was at a bit of a loose end and decided to get a bus home. This turned out to be far less straightforward than it should have been owing to the gargantuan traffic jam in central Kingston, and further roadworks on the route. To add insult to injury the stop I wanted was closed due to roadworks and I ended up going a stop further. However I was able to take the two extra shots of the tiny fluff ball dog on the bus, which revealed a ridiculously long tongue when it yawned.
Here's a couple of songs with canine titles to round out my ramblings
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