2025 Tuesday — Memories
Today, the 25th of February, is like a journal page or possibly a journal chapter for the two of us. Years ago when we were hardly more than youngsters, our lives were bonded together on this day and it changed the course of our lives.
February 25th was a Thursday back in 1965 when I rode the school bus to my high school and then exited the bus, walked off the campus, crossed the street, and rounded the corner to Mr. Fun's apartment that he shared with several of his buddies. I was a high school sophomore. He was a college freshman. All of his buddies were gone to school or work. He skipped college classes; I skipped high school classes. The two of us spent the day together.
Often, and always on February 25, we talk about the "what ifs," the "what abouts," the "can you imagines," and the "how comes." The memories from all of those years ago are woven into the fabric of our lives.
Today we both have wondered again "what if I had not ditched school that day." We can hardly entertain that thought. When we got married three months later, absolutely no one thought we'd stay married.
Even though what we did that day was enormously wrong, irresponsible, and absolute sin, today we're thrilled that it gave us a lifetime together. We are also thrilled that 10 years later God's awesome mercy through His Son Jesus redeemed our lives and changed our story in a way that no one who knew us would have ever predicted. Do you know Jesus? We know He will change your life, but even better, He will change your eternity.
I still blush because our story has such an unlovely beginning. I'm glad it didn't end ugly, but rather transformed into loveliness. Life is not a bed of roses; we've worked hard at transforming ugly into lovely. The two of us have been blessed beyond measure, and that's not to say that life has been easy, but it has been worthwhile, meaningful, and full of purpose.
I didn't keep a journal back then, but every year this 25th day of February, and our knowledge of it, feels like a book opened with the pages fluttering in the breeze and memories escaping like leaves pressed into it. Tonight we find meaning in the memories.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi Too!
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