Life At 60°

By Lifeat60Degrees

Dry(ish) Spell

A windy end to the week and likely to stay that way for a good part of the coming week. Ferries and cargo boats cancelled which I'm sure will mean little to be had by way of fresh fruit tomorrow at the supermarket. As supermarkets tend to try and arrange fresh stock on a daily basis they are quite often short of fruit and veg, milk etc on occasions like this. Local shops however tend to be better stocked. 
I fear the Shetland ferry issues are coming to a head not only with the main Aberdeen service but also with the inter-island service within Shetland which is creaking due to the age of the vessels. If something isn't done about it soon we will be joining the Western Isles by having travel issues 
36 species of bird this week - again nothing unusual but first Pied Wagtail of the year. 48 species for the year to the end of February which is two more than the same period last year.
Sunrise 6:59
Sunset 17:35

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