New Adventures

By P1nkdragen


The less said about the work day the better.

I meant P for a climb on the wall after work.  I wasn't really feeling it with something of a sore thumb from getting whacked on Wednesday at swords (injuries always come from partnering with enthusiastic white belts!) and generally still not feeling 100% after a minor cold.  IT was still good to have a go on the wall and shake off the work day. 

P hung up his shoes before I thought to get a blip, so I asked him to take over camera duties instead. I asked him to get aa shot of me looking cool, alas, I don't really look cool on a climbing wall.  This one was me trying a baby dyno - I had to move from the positon you see to grad the bumbleebee coloured hold at the top of the screen.  I didn't manage it.  Maybe another day.

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