
By Groggster

All Vegetable Undersea Life Is Here

I've fallen way behind with my journal yet again so I've resorted to my previous fall back position of posting some more recent images and then filling in the gaps.
Today's image is a bit of an emergency blip and is actually the side of a food delivery truck that I spotted in town - I just love the imagination that it took for someone to come up with this fantastically created underwater scene using just vegetables and the odd herb, fungi and rhizome based spice.
I needed to go into town as my car, Nigella, had to go in for her annual service and m.o.t. She's 14 years old with nearly 96,000 miles on the clock so I suppose you could call her a bit of grand dame in motoring terms. I always have a slight sense of trepidation at this time of year because I worry about whether she is going to come out unscathed.
So after we'd dropped her off at the garage (my brother very kindly agreed to accompany me) we went for a 'Spoons breakfast followed by a very early pint to help calm my automative based nerves.
I must admit I was on tenterhooks for the rest of the day until the garage phoned late in the afternoon to confirm that she had passed her m.o.t with flying colours. Well done old girl! It was a bit too late to go back into town to collect her so I said I would pick her up in the morning and we raised a glass of wine (or two) to celebrate her achievement! :-)


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