loco viejo


Bloomin' traffic

Having slept till 10.30, then stayed in bed reading (!) - and messing on my phone of course - till midday :O
Was lying there trying to decide my priorities... house tidying? phoning customers? organising customer files (ring binders just sat there since I bought them a couple of weeks ago)? Jurgen Klopp documentary? into the unit for a bit of preparation, like making up the remaining boxes? 
With the sun shining through the curtains, decided to go up into the Dales: therapeutic in itself; All Creatures Great and Small reminsces (though ch5 series actually filmed further South around Skipton, Swaledale is true Heriott country...); get some photos of the Brera in more attractive surroundings than an industrial estate; give the Brera a good blast to keep it ticking over; find somewhere beautiful to sit and read my book (taking over a year to read a book is a bit ridiculous!!). And what a good choice!! It's about the experience of course, not the photo, but puts it in context that I took maybe 10 different sorts of photos that would have passed muster as a decent blip... Including my tasty but remarkably sanely-sized steak and ale pie at Tan Hill Inn, Britain's highest at 1723ft - like an oasis on the high moors, with maybe 20 campervans and 20 cars parked all around it, then no human construct almost as far as the eye can see in any direction... Exchanged messages with BGCoffee in Fort Worth while I was up there, which helped me feel "connected"... Drove home a different route (driving East, the golden hour lit the landscape beautifully, though could only see the sunset in the mirrors), inflated my tyres (warning light came on) on the way... 
Once home, I thought I should WhatsApp the 20 or so customers I'd sorted as most likely to buy, just saying prices are going up Monday... 
Remarkably, two responded with orders (one £600+) - both "one-time buyers" - gold-dust as most of you know: once they re-buy, they are of course well on the way to becoming "regulars" - someone who bought once on a whim at a show is not really a "customer" as such, even the ones who repeatedly say "ooh, yes, we loved the wine, not at the moment thank you, but do keep in touch" (as these two had done for over 6 months). 
Then my day was completed with a good chat with my Sis Janetchie in Florida, who's been having a proper tough time being very poorly whilst trying to teach (you only get 5 sick days per year over there, then unpaid - how awful is that when you've got bronchitis?) - I feel very sorry for her, but confess it was a good reminder of how lucky I am these days now I'm not on that ridiculous treadmill of 80+ hour weeks and still having to take short-cuts all over the place...

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