Two steps forward...

By stevvi


Saturday was “Southend City Day” which was, apparently, “a celebration of our city’s heritage, culture, and community spirit!” If true, from what I saw, Southend can be crowned the pinnacle of shabby blandness specialising in “performers” whimpering out 70s/80’s pop muzak and such like. I was only there at lunchtime so I hope it got better later in the day, but I do have my doubts.

I also realised that I don’t much like photos of “performers”. I include in that category most (but not all) singers, musicians, actors, people posing for photos (portraits or otherwise) and generally anything that isn’t totally candid. Now it may be that this lot were particularly uninspired and insipid but posed stuff has never really done it for me.

That said here’s “street” shot of, what can be described as, a “performer” in Southend High Street. I think I know what I need for my birthday ;)

(Better large)

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