Me, My Camera & I

By notgraham

Rachel Fairburn at Monkey Barrel

We had tickets to see Rachel Fairburn tonight. She was performing in the depths of the old town - AKA Monkey Barrel 3 on Blair Street.

Unlike MB1 and MB2. This third venue is down 2 sets of stairs and is very much in the bowels of Edinburgh.

Rachel is doing a new situational comedy for the first half of her set, which was new to me - but very funny.
The 2nd half was the more normal standup set - which had some audience participation. Turns out, there were 2 or 3 Mental Health professionals in the audience from the random selection Rachel made.

With the promise of a new show for August, we'll no doubt get some tickets to see that too.

Once the show finished we picked the car backup where I left it - on Chambers Street and went home for as early a night as possible before the mega-drive west tomorrow.

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