
By Hanulli

Joe Tree Day

 Today we celebrate Joe Tree Day to honour the founder of the wonderful community called Blipfoto ;-)

In the extra you can find a silly blip of Caspar, asking me if he could play with the big "ball" in the air. I said "no", because three legged dogs should not play with hot stuff ;-)
(The official Silly Saturday will be next week, silly me )

H0tamer was on his way to Wernigerode 400km and back 400km to pick up our son P., who said goodbye to the Harz. After the walk with Caspar
I tried to get our neglected household sorted and to tidy up P.'s room. I'm still rather tired and needed all the day. Now it is far after midnight and I still shall sew Teba's costume. We need it tomorrow noon and on Monday for work. I guess it will be an early morning task....

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