That Will Do!

By flumgummery

Joe Tree Day

In honour of our founder, Joe, I have revisited our local Notable tree, the Austrian Pine, Pinus nigra ssp nigra, which lives by Comiston House. I was reminded of it recently when I met a delightful couple who live in one of the flats there.

According to the Woodland Trust, it is on their Notable list, which is a tree of interest, although not necessarily Ancient or Veteran. Residents  of the house are informed that it is thought to be one of the first of its type planted in the UK and is at least 175 years old. That quote was in 2017, so it is now at least 183 years old and still appears well and strong.

It is thanks to Joe's vision that we Blippers sally forth each day in search of a photograph of interest, to share with the world. In doing so we make friends, even meet them face to face, and encourage others to join - please welcome a new recruit, CRCanuck and check out Arell and BikerBabe. Long live Blip.

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