
By brambleblossom

Arthur’s 6th Birthday .

It was good to have something joyful to focus on after the shocking news last night of the treatment Ukraine’s president received at the Oval Office. I checked in with a blip this morning to read other, trusted, folks reactions but decided not to listen to the news until after the meeting tomorrow in the UK .
Arthur has had a lovely day and been very well celebrated. The card went down well and he read all the jokes out to us . I’m astonished that overnight he has turned from a reluctant reader to a fluent one . We popped in this morning to deliver gifts and then again this evening for a birthday tea which also included his other grandparents. It was lovely to be part of a family gathering.
In between times I pottered whilst listening to more of Michelle Obama’s book . I’ve now spent so many hours listening to her that she feels like a personal friend !
I’ve not seen much of NC as he has been across on the pen , sawing and hammering in the sunshine .

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