Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

As today is Joe Tree Day I had to blip a tree for Joe Tree the founder of Blipfoto.  

Tess was very chuffed with all her birthday wishes yesterday and asked me to thank everyone.  She had quite a fright on our walk this morning at Port Carlisle when a dog suddenly appeared through a hedge and ran at speed to her making her bolt!  The owner didn't bother calling his dog back until I shouted at him to do so.  The dog then stopped chasing her and returned to his owner,  Tess then stopped running thank goodness and came back to me, phew!   I've since been told its normal for that dog to chase!  Further along the estuary  met a couple of people with their dogs who I know so put Tess on a lead initially and they all ignored each other which was good.

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