
By iaint


I was out of my hotel right after breakfast this morning to catch the 8.12 U-Bahn out of the city centre to Rheinaue for the local Parkrun. In my enthusiasm I got my timing wrong and caught the earlier train!

Well, better than the other way around. 

As always with a course I do not know, I enjoyed the learning experience. I even ran well in spite of an energetic day on Friday and a broken sleep. The locals are a friendly bunch and one of them let his dog lick the sweat off my legs at the finish.

A first time for everything… 

In the afternoon I took the U-Bahn again as far as Königswinter on the other side of the Rhein and found my way to the top of the hills behind the village, lured by stories of the impressive views. 

All good, but I am tired again. 

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