Joe Tree
Today is a day dedicated to blips founder Joe Tree who started this great site which started with him posting a photo a day ad was then joined by a hand full of others and then gradually the site got stronger and stronger . It is now an amazing world wide community .
In his honour 1 day a year is chosen to flood the site with tree shots to acknowledge him and this amazing site. Since joining this site nearly 12 years ago I have found some great online friends and improved my photography I think . This site has helped me over a lot of difficult times
So happy Joe Tree day to all my fellow blippers and Happy St David's day to all the Welsh blippers on here
This morning once up which wasn't to late and I was washed and dressed I went to the local butchers. Julie came out with me and we went for walk through the local park to find some tree shots for our blips . I really like this tree against the lovely blue sky . There had been an early morning frost which had thankfully thawed, still a bit of a cold nip in the air but it was a lovely walk. I was a little spoilt for choice and have included an extra of another tree with a lovely effective shadow
Back home and some embarrassing cricket was watched another poor England performance. Rugby League this afternoon which saw St Helens win away against Wakefield . Some FA cup football on soon and then a very long evening / early morning with four games of Rugby League live from Las Vegas 1st match sees Wigan take on Warrington then 2 Australian NRL games with A women's international Australia v England sandwiched in-between the 2 games all starts at 9.30 this evening and finishes at around 6.30 in the morning we will watch the first 2 games and record the other 2 to watch in the morning .
A few beers will be enjoyed hopefully cheering on a Wigan win
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