Gaia's Child

By maura143


Red-shouldered hawks' courtships include soaring high in the air while calling (and calling and calling). The actual mating happens very quickly. If you blink, you'll miss it! Fun Facts: Red-shouldered hawks are monogamous and often reuse the same nest site each year. 
This morning I almost left my camera at home for our mourning walk. The Big White Dog suggested that I carry it. Thank you, Fletcher! We were almost home when I spotted a hawk calling from the top of a tree. As I  took a few shots of Mrs. I heard Mr. calling from high up in a tall oak tree across the street. He swooped in and landed on was over in few seconds, I didn't even have time to change any settings on my camera, I just took as many photos as I could. He hopped off and sat on the branch next to her for a couple of minutes. Then off he flew. 
I've been trying to capture this event for literally years! This is the best photo I've ever taken of hawks mating. Having both of their heads visible is something that I try for, as is getting everyone in sharp focus! Guess I can hang up my camera now...nay, not likely!

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